Sunday, 26 January 2020

Pale Pink Top

I found this top in a charity shop a few days ago for £2.00. It looks white in the pictures but it is actually a very pale pink. It also has horizontal features incorporated in the material which adds interest. The material is composite with wool being the major component making it quite warm and ideal for this time of the year. I have worn it extensively over this weekend.

The jeans were new from Primark. They were described as "comfort fit" and that had proved to be very accurate. Regular readers will know that I never wore jeans until a year ago when I gave into my daughter's nagging to "get with it". I must admit I was pleasantly surprised at how versatile they are and I think this is my fourth pair!

Are you a regular jeans wearer?

Sunday, 19 January 2020


Apologies for a lack of posts recently. I managed to catch a cold which developed into a chest infection and I was confined to the house for some ten days, unable to visit any charity shops. I was getting severe withdrawal symptoms so was really pleased when we had a mild sunny afternoon yesterday and I ventured outside.

I just had to buy something and settled on this black and white striped top which I am wearing in the photos with my black trousers and shoes.

The top cost me £1.25 and is a wool mix which is actually fairly warm.

Hannah took the photos as project forming part of her photography course work which explains the rather strange background. They were actually taken in my hall - it being too cold for outside photo shoots at the moment.