Sunday, 27 October 2019

Casual Outfit

A few pictures that Hannah took at the end of summer when I was relaxing on a day trip. We were about to go on a walk along a coastal footpath.
My shirt cost me £1.00 in a charity shop and I think it is my only black shirt at the moment. I never thought I would like jeans but, after a lot of persuasion from Hannah, I have been wearing these quite a lot since she bought them for me for my birthday and they are very comfortable. I now have a secondhand pair for wearing in the garden. My trainers came from a charity shop and cost me £4.00. They are not a well known make but they are kind to my feet and if they last a year, I will be pleased.
I found this long shirt - I don't think you can call it a tunic or a coat - in a charity shop for £3.50. I am not sure if I will keep it but I have worn it a few times with my jeans or trousers to increase modesty. It is a little too long and has got in the way a few times - so it could well be donated back to a charity shop fairly soon.

Sunday, 20 October 2019

Green Top

Another post using photos taken in the summer as I have had no new charity shop finds in the past week.

I bought this short sleeved top in July for £2.50. It is in cotton and I bought it for casual wear during the warmer weather.

Hannah took these photos when I was wearing the top in the garden. It is long enough to cover my derriere when wearing jeans.
I am not a great jeans wearer as you know but I do find them useful when working amongst my flowers and vegetables. I was tending my tubs on the patio when the photos were taken as those shoes are not the most sensible for gardening!

Monday, 14 October 2019

Casual Outfit

It has been raining nearly every day in October here in the UK - so little opportunity for clothes shopping or taking photos outdoors.

However I found these photos which Hannah took back in July which I didn't get around to posting on the blog.
The top was in a charity shop bargain bin and cost me just 50p. It has a rather unusual neck line at the rear. In fact I put it on back to front when I first wore it!

The trousers were new and cost me £5.99 in a covered market. I wore them quite a lot in the late summer as they are very comfortable. Slim fitting without being too tight. My husband cheekily told me her likes my derriere when I first wore them.

What do you think?

Monday, 7 October 2019

Multi-Coloured Jacket

As we move into Autumn with the trees rapidly changing colour and leaves falling, I found this colourful jacket in a charity shop a few days ago on a sale rail for just £2.00. It fitted me quite well and I could not resist it for that price. It has an Armor label.
I wore it outside briefly at the weekend with a white top underneath and white trousers. It rained shortly after Hannah took these photos. I am sure that the jacket will get plenty of wear next summer!